Career change

27 June 2019

Have you ever considered under what circumstances did you change your professional and your personal trajectory? You are probably familiar with the following formula included in the management books – until the fear of the unknown is larger than the perceived discomfort associated with the change, we are content with the status quo. It’s only […]

Innovative approach to recruitment and team management

21 May 2019

Today I have an intriguing South African story about recruitment and team management. Roy was our first host on our South African trip and besides his wonderful cottage, he shared valuable recommendations for the Garden Route we were about to embark on, and a delicious breakfast at his restaurant Rose Garden. We had some time […]

Job, career, vocation or a hobby?

16 April 2019

Today we are linguists. We will define and illustrate four words that are used – somewhat interchangeably – when it comes to professional development. This knowledge can help us clarify our current situation and future intentions, can reveal new opportunities and give us a few permissions. Job how to recognize whether you have a job, […]

The wisdom of a Pakistani taxi driver in Spain

13 December 2018

For the training in Spain of which I shared my big picture thoughts, I took a taxi twice – from the airport to the hotel and back. The two times were with the same driver who firmly and politely offered his services for the second trip and we exchanged Whatsapp contacts. Extroverted and unobtrusive, quite […]

To quit or not to quit?

22 June 2018

Quora inspiration once again. The question was: “I want to quit my job because of unfulfilling job and a toxic work friend, should I?” And here is my take on it: Most probably, you should quit, especially if the nature of the work you are doing is not fulfilling, but I suggest you consider your […]

Top 5 qualities employers look for

2 June 2018

Another interesting question on Quora: What are the skills required to become an outstanding employee among others to get a job? for which I decided to share my answer with you as I believe it could be useful. It really depends on the job, doesn’t it? If you are applying for a finance position, your […]

New career or new job?

14 May 2018

Lately, I’ve got a few coaching clients who reach out to me very upset with their current working configuration or already handed in their resignation – sure they would like a career change to a field in which they can utilize their strengths, feel satisfied, respected and valued. After several coaching sessions, they realize that […]

How to prepare for a job interview: 5 empirical recommendations

5 July 2016

In the first portion of the empiric series I focused on how to secure the job interview. In this article, I will discuss the most common mistakes candidates do within the job interview process and I will provide recommendations on how to avoid them. 1. The remuneration A question you can be absolutely sure you […]

Career shift – and now what?

17 January 2016

You’ve decided you want a career shift, and with the help of a professional career coach or good friends, have figured out the next career challenge. Now you wonder where to start. If you’ve worked with a career coach, most probably you would have created an action plan with tasks and timelines and if you […]

How to approach a career shift?

11 November 2015

I have many clients who are not satisfied with their current professional choices and want a change – and not only a company change, but also a change of the type of job, the industry, and the daily activities. With some, we reach these conclusions on an intensive and satisfying coaching course together, while others […]

Job interview preparation: 5 lessons

3 September 2014

I was sitting on the other side of the recruitment process and interviewed a few people for a challenging and high profile position in a large organization. The four candidates had already passed two selection rounds: CV and a phone interview with a recruiter. They’ve had the chance to learn more about the position, their […]