Кариерен коуч | PersonalHR

The obvious answers include:

♦ When you are in the middle of a job search and need a consultant to assist and guide you through the process.

♦ When you decided you wanted a career change and are not sure about the direction.

When you are clear you want a career change, know the direction, and realize you will need professional assistance to reach your goals.

♦ When you are on the job market for a while and your strategy is not bringing the results you expected.

 When you have a problem with a specific segment of the job search process, i.e. you don’t receive any job interview invitations or you get to the interview, but the potential employers don’t follow up with a job offer.

What if your case does not fall into the above categories?

1. You don’t feel comfortable at work and at the same time you don’t recognize yourself in neither of these signs it’s time to change your job.

2. You don’t want to change the company or the position, but you are not completely satisfied with your current professional circumstances.

3. You’ve been recently promoted and don’t feel prepared for the new challenges.

Кариерен коуч | PersonalHR

4. You don’t fit with the team or don’t particularly like your manager’s leadership style.

5. You feel trapped in your current position and are not sure how to approach this: do you seek professional development in your current company, do you talk to someone there, or do you start looking?

6. You are not satisfied with your work-life balance.

7. You like your current position and company and would like to grow, but are not sure how to accomplish this.

8. You like a position in different department in your current company, i.e. – the position is in marketing and you are currently doing customer service, and you don’t know how to best present yourself to get it.

9. Something is bothering you, professionally, and you can’t define what it is.

10. You have developed a keen interest in a topic not related to your job or hobbies and you wonder whether this can turn into something more.

If you are in one or more of the above situations, gen in touch with a career coach. The coach will ask the right questions and will provoke you to think outside of your comfort zone. You will discuss the circumstances together, analyze, lay out potential options, reach insights, and make plans. Together, you will clarify the situation, determine goals and approach, evaluate options, and consider resources to achieve your objective.

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