You’ve decided you want a career shift, and with the help of a professional career coach or good friends, have figured out the next career challenge. Now you wonder where to start. If you’ve worked with a career coach, most probably you would have created an action plan with tasks and timelines and if you […]
How to approach a career shift?
I have many clients who are not satisfied with their current professional choices and want a change – and not only a company change, but also a change of the type of job, the industry, and the daily activities. With some, we reach these conclusions on an intensive and satisfying coaching course together, while others […]
10 signs it’s time to change your job
Several categories of clients approach me for a career consultation: The ones who know they would like to change their current company and need help to do it. The ones who have already dared and left their last employer and are now searching for the next professional challenge. Some who would like to change the […]
3 Non-standard ways to approach the job search
As soon as you are out on the job market, your family and friends can’t wait to start with the advice – now is the time to find out and pursue your true calling, create a good CV, do your homework and everything will fall into place, first impressions on the job interviews are crucial, […]