How to own your career

12 November 2020

Having consulted numerous clients with different professional backgrounds, career stages and levels of self-awareness, as well as goals varying from quick change of jobs to long term life purpose coaching, I summarized a few guidelines, which would be useful irrespective of where you are in your career journey. These thoughts will help you if you […]

Job, career, vocation or a hobby?

16 April 2019

Today we are linguists. We will define and illustrate four words that are used – somewhat interchangeably – when it comes to professional development. This knowledge can help us clarify our current situation and future intentions, can reveal new opportunities and give us a few permissions. Job how to recognize whether you have a job, […]

A week of yes

21 December 2018

In most personal development books and articles on you will see the mantra – “learn how to say no” – written in the context of respecting our time and space, placing healthy boundaries and not taking on additional tasks and projects, just because we are used to be of service. This is a good advice, […]

Career shift – and now what?

17 January 2016

You’ve decided you want a career shift, and with the help of a professional career coach or good friends, have figured out the next career challenge. Now you wonder where to start. If you’ve worked with a career coach, most probably you would have created an action plan with tasks and timelines and if you […]

10 signs it’s time to change your job

26 September 2015

Several categories of clients approach me for a career consultation: The ones who know they would like to change their current company and need help to do it. The ones who have already dared and left their last employer and are now searching for the next professional challenge. Some who would like to change the […]